Encarna is a thirtysomething girl of Móstoles (Madrid) trapped in a life without changes| at the side of her lifelong boyfriend and with a job absent of incentives.
Stigmatized by the famous Spanish sketch of the "Empanadillas de Móstoles" performed by humorist duet Martes and Trece| broadcast at the 1985's New Years Eve|
Encarna looking for a way to escape to a life consumed in the boring and routine. One day| Encarna meets María Dolores| former classmate of the school| who
introduces her in the world of pyramid selling| sponsored in the company by the own boss| a woman who claims to be real actress Victoria Abril. Believing that it's
the opportunity that she was waiting for| Encarna determines to work as saleswoman with María Dolores| discovering a world of money and luxury where she finally
finds the chance to be who really she wanted| until that a series of events lead her to question her new lifestyle and how legal it's...