▣豆友评分 ..........: 8.0分 98,471人
▣豆瓣信息 ..........: 跳转
▣国外评分 ..........: 8.0分 117,308人
▣外评信息 ..........: 跳转
▣影片语言 ..........: 英语
▣播放时长 ..........: 118分钟
▣上映时间 ..........: 2018-06-15(美国)/2018-06-22(中国大陆)
▣拍摄年代 ..........: 2018
▣制片国家 ..........: 美国
▣影片类型 ..........: 喜剧/动作/动画/冒险
▣电影原名 ..........: Incredibles 2
▣又名译名 ..........: 超人总动员2/超人特工队2(港)/超人特攻队2(台)/超人家族2
▣本片导演 ..........: 布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird
▣影片编剧 ..........: 布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird
▣本片领演 ..........: 格雷格·T·尼尔森 Craig T. Nelson
▣更多角色 ..........: 霍利·亨特 Holly Hunter
▣更多角色 ..........: 莎拉·沃威尔 Sarah Vowell
▣更多角色 ..........: 赫克·米尔纳 Huck Milner
▣更多角色 ..........: 伊莱·富西尔 Eli Fucile
▣更多角色 ..........: 凯瑟琳·基纳 Catherine Keener
▣更多角色 ..........: 塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson
▣更多角色 ..........: 伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼 Isabella Rossellini
▣更多角色 ..........: 鲍勃·奥登科克 Bob Odenkirk
▣更多角色 ..........: 布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird
▣更多角色 ..........: 索菲亚·布什 Sophia Bush
▣更多角色 ..........: 乔纳森·班克斯 Jonathan Banks
▣更多角色 ..........: 约翰·拉岑贝格 John Ratzenberger
▣更多角色 ..........: 金伯利·阿代尔·克拉克 Kimberly Adair Clark
▣更多角色 ..........: 托亚·特纳 Toya Turner
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超人家族时隔14年强势回归!这次站在聚光灯下的是弹力女超人海伦(霍利·亨特 配音),超能先生巴鲍勃(格雷格·T·尼尔森 配音)则在家照料巴小倩和巴小飞,过起了“正常人”的居家生活。这一角色转换对于每个家庭成员来说都是艰难的,更何况他们都还没意识到宝宝巴小杰的超能力已经悄然增长。当剧中新反派开始酝酿一个狡诈危险的阴谋,超人家族必须联合酷冰侠(塞缪尔·杰克逊 配音)的力量团结对外——然而即使各自都有超能力,真正做起来却是知易行难。 & BT天堂 www.btbt4.com
动画 ◈ 皮克斯 ◈ 美国 ◈ 喜剧 ◈ 超级英雄 ◈ 超人 ◈ 2018 ◈ 家庭
Married Couple ◈ Sequel ◈ Superhero ◈ Children ◈ Computer Animation ◈ Animation ◈ Parenting ◈ Family ◈ Super Power
- Disc Title: ....Incredibles.2.2018.BONUS.DISC.1080p.BluRay.AVC.DD2.0-TRUEDEF
- Disc Size: .... 20,320,503,323 bytes
- Protection: ....AACS
- BD-Java: ...... Yes
- BDInfo: ........ (compatible layout created by DVDFab
- Name: ..................00730.MPLS
- Length: ................0:39:44.757 (h:m:s.ms)
- Size: ..................5,887,813,632 bytes
- Edit website .......... www.BT天堂 www.btbt4.com & Welcome to
- Total Bitrate: ........ 19.75 Mbps
- Codec ..................Bitrate ............Description ....
- ----- ..................------- ............----------- ....
- MPEG-4 AVC Video ...... 17546 kbps ........ 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 /
- Codec ..........................Language ...... Bitrate ........Description ....
- ----- ..........................-------- ...... ------- ........----------- ....
- Dolby Digital Audio ............English ........320 kbps ...... 2.0 / 48 kHz / 320 kbps
- Codec ..........................Language ...... Bitrate ........Description ....
- ----- ..........................-------- ...... ------- ........----------- ....
- Presentation Graphics ..........English ........70.133 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........English ........52.944 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Portuguese .... 53.794 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Chinese ........35.476 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Spanish ........50.169 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Danish ........ 50.239 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Dutch ..........42.354 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Finnish ........48.316 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........French ........ 51.688 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........French ........ 52.594 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........German ........ 54.416 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Italian ........52.005 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Korean ........ 28.86 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Spanish ........52.433 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Norwegian ......50.193 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Russian ........55.256 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Swedish ........52.573 kbps ....................
- Presentation Graphics ..........Chinese ........36.282 kbps ..................
- Content:
- All-New “Auntie Edna” Mini-Movie
- 10 Deleted Scenes With Introductions:
- Suburban Escape, Kari Revisited, Return of the Supers, Chewed Out, Late Audition, Slow Day, Frozone and Honey, Restaurant Robbery, Fashion Show and Security Breakdown.
- Heroes & Villains
- Ralph Eggleston: Production Designer
- Strong Coffee: A Lesson in Animation with Brad Bird
- Paths to Pixar: Everyday Heroes
- SuperBaby – A documentary/hip hop music video
- Commentary – Get inside commentary from animators Alan Barillaro
- Theatrical Short: “Bao”
- Making “Bao”
- Outtakes & Stories
- Character Theme Songs, Vintage Toy Commercial TV Spots, Toolkit Montage and Global “Incredibles 2” Trailers
- Incredibles.2.2018.BONUS.DISC.1080p.BluRay.AVC.DD2.0-TRUEDEF
- Incredibles.2.2018.BONUS.DISC.1080p.BluRay.AVC.DD2.0-TRUEDEF
- 18.93GB复制代码
(168.71 KB, 下载次数: 0)